ANZTBCRS Awards, Scholarships and Fellowships

Several Awards, Scholarships and Fellowships are available to colorectal Fellows and younger surgeons. These include:

  • ASCRS International Travel Scholarship - Up to US$4000 to support attendance of a colorectal trainee to the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Meeting.
  • The Mark Killingback Prize - Awarded by the RACS Colon and Rectal Surgery Section for the best podium presentation by a surgical trainee or younger surgeon at the RACS ASC. Includes travel, accommodation and registration to the following year's American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery Annual Meeting including podium presentation of the paper. Contact: [email protected]
  • ACPGBI Travelling Fellowship - Expenses paid travel to the Annual Meeting of the ACPGBI, podium presentation and site visits to other colorectal units - awarded by the Training Board in Colon and Rectal Surgery.
  • Fred Stephens Fellowship - A 3-year fellowship is offered in alternate years specifically for colorectal trainees who wish to pursue a career in academic colorectal surgery - it involves at least one year of full-time research as part of a Masters of Research in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the Macquarie University, one year at Concord Hospital, Sydney and one year in an overseas colorectal unit.
  • ANZTBCRS Medtronic Research Fellowship - A $50,000 one year scholarship to enable a colorectal trainee(s) to conduct an ANZTBCRS approved research project .
  • Mitchell J Notaras Fellowship - A 3 year fellowship awarded by the University of Sydney in alternate years specifically for colorectal trainees who wish to pursue a career in academic colorectal surgery - it involves at least one year of full time research as part of a Masters of Surgery at University of Sydney, one year in an overseas colorectal unit and one year at RPAH, Sydney.
  • Philip Douglas Education Award - Awarded to the best paper at the ANZTBCRS Training Weekend. The winner receives a $1000 travel stipend to present the paper at the following Spring Colorectal Meeting. (details: [email protected])
  • CSSANZ Foundation Award for Most Promising First Year ANZTBCRS Fellow's Research Project - Awarded to the best first year project at the ANZTBCRS Training Weekend. The winner receives complimentary registration to the following Spring CME where plaques are awarded to both the winner and the hospital involved.
  • CSSANZ Foundation Award for Most Publishable Second Year ANZTBCRS Fellow's Research Project - Awarded to the most publishable completed project by a second year fellow at the ANZTBCRS Fellows' Weekend. The winner receives complimentary registration to the following Spring CME where plaques are awarded to both the winner and the hospital involved.
  • CSSANZ Foundation Award for ANZTBCRS Fellow's Research from a Higher Degree - This prize is awarded at the ANZTBCRS Training Weekend. The winner receives complimentary registration to the following Spring CME where plaques are awarded to both the winner and the hospital involved.

If you have questions about any of the Awards, Scholarships or Fellowships, please contact:

e: [email protected]

t: +61 3 9853 8013