Pre-Fellows Workshop 2024

Exclusive Pre-Fellows Workshop for new Fellows.

The ANZTBCRS is please to extend an invitation to an exclusive Pre-Fellows event, specially tailored for our Pre-Fellows commencing in 2025, who are taking the next step in preparing for a significant milestone in their colorectal surgical career.

The workshop format is a dynamic mix of didactic, hands-on and social opportunities:
Didactic Lectures & Hands-On Workshop: a mix of didactic lectures and hands-on sessions of minimally invasive techniques. These range from TAMIS, HALS and SNS to laparoscopic techniques.
Training Program Summary: A comprehensive view of the training program expectations and requirements.
Interactive Forum: Engage in informatiive discussions with the Training Board.

Why Attend? This workshop is not just an educational event but also a bridge to connecting with your future peers, the Training Board, and setting a strong foundation for your time on the program and your CR future. It promises to be an excellent collegiate opportunity filled with knowledge, practice, interaction, and a whole lot of fun.

Seize this moment for an exclusive workshop and an opportunity to extend with the CR24 Spring Meeting for a remarkable weekend of preparing for the next step in your surgical career.

Register to confirm your attendance and to be a part of this transformative journey. Looking forward to setting the stage for your future with us!

3/10/2024 10:00 AM - 3:45 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Grand Hyatt 123 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC 3000 AUSTRALIA
Spots available
Registration not available.